19 Oct That’s AMAZING! Celebrating Huell Howser’s Birthday
That’s amazing!
It should come as no surprise that quite a few of us at FoLAR are big fans of public broadcast television. We’re also grateful for the sensitive soul of Huell Howser, who celebrated California’s cultural treasures up and down the golden coast.
Huell Howser was a Friend of the LA River and dedicated numerous episodes to showcasing the nooks & crannies and the personalities of our River. He also made space in his program for FoLAR leadership including our founder Lewis MacAdams and our VP of Programs, Shelly Backlar.
Take a trip down the River and memory lane as we honor the late, great Huell Howser and celebrate our beloved Los Angeles River. (We’re still trying to track down the ORIGINAL 1994 episode.)
Visiting with Huell Howser – LA River Update (1995)
Something Resembling a River (1997)
Friends of the Los Angeles River is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission since 1986 has been to ensure a publicly accessible and ecologically sustainable Los Angeles River by inspiring River stewardship through community engagement, education, advocacy, and thought leadership. FOLAR is a leading powerful force guiding policy and connecting communities to the River, nationally respected as a leader in urban river revitalization with a membership of 35,000.