17 Feb Oni Alcantara
Having grown up living all over Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley, the one thing that remained constant for Oni was having access to nature to escape to. Having witnessed environmental inequality firsthand, growing up in some of the poorest neighborhoods, she became propelled to do something about it and studied environmental science and wildlife conservation in college. However, she began to realize that the sustainable change we needed was not only in our parks but in our cities as well. Shifting the way she viewed environmental conservation, Oni obtained a minor in regenerative studies and a business degree tailored towards working in nonprofits and social impact. With her knowledge and experience, Oni hopes to educate and inspire people to restore their relationship with nature and improve the quality of life in the community for seven generations to come. In her free time, you can find Oni on the golf course or out hiking with her family and their dog, Dazey.