12 Jul Antoinette Magee
Antoinette Magee brings over 15 years of college access, educational equity, fund development, grant writing, strategic planning and program development experience. She has been working in the non-profit and education field in and around the Southern California area for most of this time and brings a deep commitment to ensuring all students, especially students furthest from opportunity, have access to quality education ultimately leading to successful college and/or career pathways. Antoinette has worked for the past 10 years as a fund development consultant for Success in Challenges, helping them bring vital resources to their educational and social justice programs serving the greater Long Beach area. In addition, she has worked in program management, educational outreach, and academic and student affairs at Calbright College, the Foundation for California Community Colleges, San Francisco State, San Diego State, Cal State Fullerton and Stanford University. In addition to her experience as a college administrator, she also worked for Young Black Scholars, with the 100 Black Men of Los Angeles, and the Gates Millennium Scholars program.
Antoinette was a Presidential Scholar at San Francisco State University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Political Science. She also earned a master’s degree in Multicultural Education from California State University, Dominguez Hills, as well as a master’s degree in Counseling from University of Texas, Tyler.
Antoinette lives in southern California with her husband, two kids, and dog, Sebastian.