20 Jul River Access – Bike Path Closures and Barriers
Friends of the Los Angeles River has recently learned that The City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works will be closing a one-mile segment of the Los Angeles River Bike Path at the Riverside/Victory Bridge at the 134 Fwy until November of 2019 in order to accommodate the Widening Project of the bridge itself. The good news is that the bridge widening will include additional a bike path underpass, the bad news is the closure itself. FoLAR will keep you updated on any public meetings planned for this project. Until then, your questions and comments can be directed to the City’s Public Affairs Office at 213-978-0333.
This is not to be confused with the bike path closures and sand walls that were implemented as a part of El Nino flood risk management in the Glendale Narrows earlier this year. While the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has cleared the West Bank bike path for reopening, the path remains closed as the Department of Transportation completes their final repairs. Furthermore, while the sand walls have been removed at key access points, the remaining stretches will stay in place for the foreseeable future. This timeline differs from that originally published by USACE.
To address these matters, USACE will be holding a public meeting Monday, August 1st at 6pm at Friendship Auditorium, 3201 Riverside Drive. FoLAR will be in attendance. See you there!