16 Jul Ram Vasudev Shares his Love of LA River Wildlife
I never met Lewis MacAdams, unfortunately, but his work on trying to restore the LA River to its original glory has left a lasting impression on me. I learnt about the LA River soon after I arrived in Southern California, especially the wildlife in parts of the River in the midst of urban sprawl.
My first exposure to the wildlife was along the LA River in the Glendale Narrows area, an 11-mile stretch that has been transformed into a natural habitat for wildlife. I was amazed at the restored wetlands so close to a highly populated area. Unfortunately, I also found lot of trash on the far (west) bank, including Styrofoam cups. But after a while, I noticed that all the trash disappeared, apparently due to cleanup by environmental groups. This was in 2014.
Because of my interest in nature photography, I simply had to photograph the wildlife along the restored River. I am attaching one of the photos, of a Black-Crowned Night Heron in breeding plumage, seen on July 11, 2014 around 6:30 AM. I remember struggling to get this photo because of low-light levels that early in the morning, requiring relatively long exposure times. This coupled with the slight wind resulted in blurry background foliage. But I managed to get a few relatively sharp photos by waiting patiently for gaps between gusts of wind.
I have been amazed by not only the LA River wildlife, but also by the variety of plants, grasses and trees on the far bank with so many shades of green in some of my photos.