03 Jun Press Release: FoLAR Kicks Off Annual Great LA River CleanUp on June 4, 2022 at the Sepulveda Basin
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, FoLAR will officially kick off its annual Great LA River CleanUp! With support from our amazing sponsors and partner organizations, we are setting out to make CleanUp 2022 our most impactful CleanUp yet.
This year’s CleanUp will take place on Saturdays and one Sunday throughout June and July, spanning across 15 sites and 8 weekends. This includes our two new sites at North Atwater Park and Red Car Bridge–both of which are open for registration!
CleanUp 2021 brought together over 2,000 volunteers across 13 sites who removed over 35,925 pounds of trash from the LA River. This year, we have expanded our goal to gathering 5,000 volunteers and gathering 50 tons of trash from the River.
As the largest urban cleanup in the nation, CleanUp is an opportunity for Angelenos to become involved with and actively support their local habitat and communities:
“Events like CleanUp offer a sense of shared community and an opportunity to take action during difficult times when what we’re often faced with are feelings of powerlessness. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our community, but if we rise to the occasion, it is a challenge that we can all take part in fixing. One way to do this is by tending to local habitats like our great LA River, which holds the potential to help us ease the effects of climate change on our communities. Our CleanUp is a great way to start your journey in river stewardship and activism. We hope you’ll join us this summer in keeping our River clean, and allowing it to play its role in supporting a climate resilient future for people and wildlife. See you on the River!”
- Marissa Christiansen, FoLAR President and CEO
To learn more about CleanUp, you can browse through our 2022 sites below, or visit https://folar.org/cleanup/. To support FoLAR’s mission and our Cleanup 2022 goals, visit our donation page or become a FoLAR member.
Sites for our 2022 Great LA River CleanUp include:
Open for Registration
- Sat., June 04, 2022: Sepulveda Basin – Balboa Blvd
- Sat., June 11, 2022: Sepulveda Basin – Bull Creek
- (New Site!) Sat., June 18, 2022: North Atwater Park
- Sat., June 18, 2022: Bette Davis Picnic Area
- Sat., June 25, 2022: Sepulveda Basin South Reserve
- (New Site!) Sat., June 25, 2022: Red Car Bridge
- Sat., June 25, 2022: Glendale Narrows Riverwalk
- Sun., June 26, 2022: Bond Park
- Sat., July 9, 2022: Lewis MacAdams Riverfront Park
- Sat., July 9, 2022: Elysian Valley Gateway Park
- Sat., July 9, 2022: Steelhead Park
- Sat., July 23, 2022: Willow Street Estuary
- Sat., July 30, 2022: Golden Shore Marine Reserve
Upcoming Sites
- Sat., July 16: Compton Creek
- Sat., July 16: Maywood Riverfront Park