10 Jul Press Release: FoLAR intends to counsel G2 Parcel engineering firms to foster meaningful public engagement
For immediate release — additional questions and comments please contact Marissa Christiansen 323-223-0585 with Friends of the Los Angeles River
Los Angeles, CA — The Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR) announces its intention to assist and support the development of proposals pertaining to the Taylor Yard G2 Parcel of the LA River. The G2 Parcel presents an urgent opportunity to improve and protect unique ecological resources of the LA River and ensure parks and open space for communities to enjoy. FoLAR offers its expertise in stewardship to ensure meaningful public engagement with the development of the “crown jewel” of the LA River’s restoration plan.
FoLAR will make available any and all resources to firms seeking to shape the G2 Parcel with the intention of prioritizing equitable public access and ecological restoration for all development proposals. To continue its legacy as a LA River leader, FoLAR welcomes new opportunities by joining teams interested in the RFP for the Taylor Yard G2 Parcel to champion coexistence with wildlife and public access for urban populations.
FoLAR has spent 30 years building the River Movement and continues to stand for ecological restoration, equitable public access, and feasible concrete removal. After years of advocating and partial funding by FoLAR, The Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Integrated Feasibility Report (the ARBOR study) has a real opportunity for implementation.
FoLAR provides further information on ecologically responsible planning and design on its website. The LA River Ecological Restoration Principles, developed in partnership with local agencies and river organizations are reprinted below.
FoLAR Executive Director Marissa Christiansen commented:
This is an exciting chapter of opportunity for River advocates and all Angelenos. FoLAR’s decision to be formally involved in this process is a new course for our organization. We’re doing it because we are in support of the City and Army Corps’ vision for the site. G2 is so central to our mission of public access, habitat coexistence, and concrete removal. Equally so, our advocacy work is central to the momentum we’re seeing on G2 today. This crown jewel opportunity for River restoration necessitates holistic and comprehensive community engagement that goes beyond the standard issue public hearing. FoLAR is uniquely positioned to help facilitate community involvement.
Friends of the Los Angeles River is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission since 1986 has been to ensure a publicly accessible and ecologically sustainable Los Angeles River by inspiring River stewardship through community engagement, education, advocacy, and thought leadership. FOLAR is a leading powerful force guiding policy and connecting communities to the River, nationally respected as a leader in urban river revitalization with a membership of 35,000.