19 Jun Levee Repair Along the LA River – Glendale Narrows
As everyone enjoys this warm recreational season, we wanted to keep all river visitors informed on maintenance activity along the River.
Starting on Monday, June 17,2017 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ contractor JF Engineering will begin repair work on a damaged levee between Rigali Ave and Los Feliz Blvd, Reach 4D of the Los Angeles River. This work will focus on repairing part of the River where the diagonal levee meets the flat embankment (see photos below).
The levee crest on the East bank between Rigali Ave and Los Feliz Blvd, adjacent to the Los Feliz golf course, will be closed during construction. The bike path on the West bank of the River will remain open and if construction access is needed, the necessary safety precautions will be made to ensure the safety of bicyclist and pedestrians.
We hope that everyone stays safe along the River and continues to enjoy all that our great River has to offer. For more information on maintenance work along the River please visit the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ website: https://www.spl.usace.army.mil/Missions/Asset-Management/Los-Angeles-River/