22 Jan FoLAR response to Grayson Power Plant Draft Environmental Impact Report
FoLAR Responds to Grayson Power Plant Draft Environmental Impact Report
In late 2017 Friends of the Los Angeles River was notified along with the public of upcoming plans for the Grayson Power Plant. Under the current proposed retrofit, the Grayson Plant would double down on 20th century energy production approaches and deliver a carbon-emitting natural gas power plant at its existing River-adjacent site in Glendale.
FoLAR, along with many grassroots community activists, supports a pause to the planning of the Grayson site so additional considerations can be made to renewable energy sources to be produced at the plant. At a time when the state is pushing to make our energy grid 100% renewable by 2030 (SB100), Glendale is preparing to invest $500 million in outdated energy production methods that have been proven to lower air quality and pollute our region.
Specifically the Friends of the Los Angeles River take issue with the plant on two points:
- Firstly, the Grayson Plant’s retrofit will violate and impede objectives Los Angeles City and the US Army Corps of Engineers have identified and funded in implementing the ARBOR Study vision of River Restoration.
- Secondly, the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) prepared by the City of Glendale does not take into consideration numerous site-specific projects adjacent to the plant that will improve public access and ecology along the River, including projects that will make both the River and Griffith Park more accessible to residents of Glendale.
You can read our full lengthy comment letter here: FoLAR’s Grayson DEIR Comment Letter
Tuesday January 23, 2018 community advocates will be rallying at Glendale City Hall from 6-8pm in order to show solidarity in their request for a pause to this planning process and for renewable energy solutions to be considered in this retrofit. Join the community there to make your voice heard for the River and for a greener future for our Region.
Join community advocates calling for a pause to Grayson’s planning process.
Event details here for the Jan 23 Rally at Glendale City Hall
Friends of the Los Angeles River is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission since 1986 has been to ensure a publicly accessible and ecologically sustainable Los Angeles River by inspiring River stewardship through community engagement, education, advocacy, and thought leadership. FOLAR is a leading powerful force guiding policy and connecting communities to the River, nationally respected as a leader in urban river revitalization with a membership of 35,000.