22 Aug FoLAR’s Response to US Army Corps of Engineers Sediment Removal Project Environmental Assessment
FoLAR’s Response to US Army Corps of Engineers Sediment Removal Project Environmental Assessment
Earlier this year, FoLAR was informed about USACE’s hurried plans to remove roughly 40,000 cubic yards of sediment and vegetation from the Glendale Narrows section of the LA River to increase flood capacity to 54,000 cubic feet per second, or approximately a 15-year flood event. Read the USACE environmental assessment report here and read our full comment letter here.
The Glendale Narrows section of the River contains an exceedingly rare riparian habitat crucial to our fragile, urban ecosystem. FoLAR understands how important flood capacity is in this stretch of the River, but using the same single-purpose strategies to accomplish it flies in the face of the momentum of the River Movement towards creating a publicly accessible and ecologically healthy natural resource. On behalf of all river stewards, FoLAR calls on USACE to uphold its mandate of ecological restoration and to integrate our long-term planning commitments into all its river-related work.
Read our full-length comment letter here:
FoLAR’s Sediment Removal Project Comment Letter
In summary, FoLAR takes issue with the USACE’s plan on three points:
- Proposed sediment removal programs does not fully account its potential to impact unique riparian habitat
- The proposed project should fully consider its ability to impact public access programs
- The proposed project underscores the need for long-term planning for flood risk mitigation
The current comment period for the USACE’s project ends August 30th, 2018. All comments can be emailed to eric.l.nguyen@usace.army.mil or mailed to:
Department of the Army
Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Operations Division
ATTN: Eric Nguyen
915 Wilshere Blvd. STE 930 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Friends of the Los Angeles River is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission since 1986 has been to ensure a publicly accessible and ecologically sustainable Los Angeles River by inspiring River stewardship through community engagement, education, advocacy, and thought leadership. FOLAR is a leading powerful force guiding policy and connecting communities to the River, nationally respected as a leader in urban river revitalization with a membership of 35,000.