02 Dec FoLAR to High Speed Rail: "Back Away from the River"
At its Dec 2nd Board Meeting, Friends of the Los Angeles Rivers Board of Directors voted unanimously to push for an alternate route for the High Speed Rail, scheduled to begin construction within a year. Currently, both proposed alignments threaten to cut off the River even more thoroughly from surrounding neighborhoods, making FoLAR’s goal of a Los Angeles River Greenway from the mountains to the sea even more difficult to attain.
The four and a half miles of River through the central city is already the most isolated and inaccessible stretch of the entire River because of the train tracks that line the channel on either side. FoLAR’s proposal would essentially move the High Speed Rain right-of-way away from the River entirely, and hug the Gold Line right-of-way north of Union Station and parallel the 5 freeway. You will be hearing much more about this in the months to come, as the route of the High Speed Rail could impact River revitalization for the next Century.