30 Jan FoLAR takes LA to River School in 2017
By Shelly Backlar, Vice President of Programs
Each month the Los Angeles River Rover will be at a different location on or near the River. We invite visitors of all ages to stop by for family-friendly activities, nature walks and updates on regional and site-specific issues affecting the Los Angeles River.
The first event will be On February 25 at the Sepulveda/Balboa Soccer Fields on February 25th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
During stops the LA River Rover will be screen A Concrete River, Reviving the Waters of the Los Angeles. A documentary – written, directed and produced by Raphael Sbarge, the founder of Green Wish – takes you on a journey from the origins of Los Angeles to the present day.
Check out the trailer for A Concrete River
We are also taking our Source to Sea Watershed Education Program to upper, middle and lower River schools for the new semester! Students from 2nd through 12th grade learn about Los Angeles River past, present, and future. Source to Sea offers groundbreaking curriculum constructed to meet grade level objectives and California standards, as well as employ best practices that address Common Core expectations and tie to Next Generation Science Standards. The Los Angeles River Rover joins the program at schools, with lessons and activities utilizing a custom-built Los Angeles River watershed table and the interpretive learning gallery. The program culminates with a hands-on Los Angeles River field trip!
There are a limited number of spaces left for schools in all three service areas so if you want to book a visit to your school don’t waste any time going to FoLAR.org/school-programs!
If you’re looking for a way to educate others sign up for our upcoming LA River Docent Training session coming up on Saturday Feb 4th! You’ll learn how to engage with FoLAR’s programs to teach others about the LA River and build the community that will restore the LA River!